Welcome to the Inner Child Revolution Center

Hi, I am Rirou the Pope of Rock-it-ology, something that I came up with after 33 years of hell, 13 years of therapy, 9 different dietary approaches, and 18 ironmans. An inner child revolution it is a philosophical methodology that I used to transform my life and escape hell (depression). This methodology helped me quit smoking, become a professional triathlete, lose 100 pounds and win races. This methodology is explained in my book Punkaste the book of Revelations. It comes together with my story because the truth is this method go against a lot of things, and in order to understand you need to know where I am coming from. 

Be a Punk!

While the Roman Catholic Church don't pay my invoice for therapies, wasted years and blasphemy under my name; and since I am a retired honest professional triathlete, I need to work, Since, I haven't become a rock star yet, I decided to use what I have best: Attitude! 

The truth is my head was always in the stars and my heart was always cage. I needed guide, spiritual guide but since I never fitted in any Religion in this planet, well is a long story. You got to read Punkaste to understand. The truth is, I needed spiritual guidance, I was one those sensitive people that needed guidance because I was Hallowed by thy name.

That being said I went to look for answer myself since I learned through the devil's music that suicide was not the answer. I drop out of colleges  and decided to race professionally triathlon. I ended up racing Ironman professionally for 13 years   

Rirou's blog

Punk COnversion therapy

The truth is before my first Ironman I was thinking about going to a monastery. However, after I finished my first Ironman I knew it that, Ironman was what I needed. It was perfect and better than a monastery. That aligned with hours and hours of meditation since a very young (spirituality is one of my biggest passions and was my biggest fear read my book so you will understand), I found myself and understood my sensitivity. 

Well, somewhere in time I caught my soul back and started to put Rock-it-ology together, and on march 3rd 2020 I became the Pope of Rock-it-ology to teach kids about inclusion. But I also am doing my own inner child revolution to heal from depression. Therefore as the Pope I offer Punk Conversion therapy, with my Inner Child revolution method.

Life is about attitude

Dear Parents,

As the Pope of Rock-it-ology I make Punk Rock songs for kids. Punk Rock is about inclusion and inclusion is not Rocket science is Punk Wisdom! 


1- If you enjoy, share it!

2- If offends you, don't listen! But Judge NOT! 

3- If sounds loud and fast don't worry! Is meant to be this way.

4- If makes you uncomfortable, great. Crisis bring the best in us!

5- Listen loud and dance anyway you want!

6- Don't like the attitude, maybe you should go Punk Yourself!                    

Punk Conversion therapy

The truth is I am really good at helping people putting the dots together and turning them into Punks. I believe my book is all you need, honestly. However, I do offer Punk Conversion Therapy because life is about attitude and is free; Because  I am too Punk to be Tony Robbins so my Punk Conversation Therapy is my YouTube channel. After all, I lead by example. 

Thou shalt Punk Thyself! 

Triathlon plain and simple

Monthly triathlon coaching that includes nutrition. 

I only take 13 athletes per season (all levels), with a minimum of 6 months commitment.

Investment: 300/month

Must pass interview.

(Only 3 spots left until July 2021)